
Leadership’s a funny thing. Some people think leadership can only come from someone senior. An authority figure. A manager. A matron. A lecturer at university. Not. True. If you put your mind to it. Or not as my case seems to be. I recently took part in one of my optional modules where we have […]

It’s the small things.

I’ve had a refresher this week following a #WeMDT chat.  One of my core beliefs: The small things matter. I’m talking about little gestures. Things 99% of us shrug off. It doesn’t take a lot to make someone’s day a little better. Today I was wandering around with a stupid grin on my face and some […]

This is the beginning

Well… today was a good day. A little back story to this story. A few weeks ago myself and Hannah were taking part in a Student #WeNurses chat about student support. The subject turned to nursing societies and Hannah remarked upon the fact that Salford’s had sort of wilted a bit. Enter one of our lecturers, Wendy,  […]

Gender in Nursing

So I’m banging my equality drum again. This time it’s definitely linked to nursing. I picked up my subscription of the Nursing Standard as I was sipping my coffee in Starbucks the other day and was grabbed by the front page article. I remember that a fellow student also pointed it out on Twitter earlier […]

Coming Out.

Not exactly health related but important to discuss equality. Excuse me for this post as it’s something I’m passionate about.  I’ll repeat my statement from my first post that this is my personal opinion. Yesterday was National Coming Out Day. There seems to be a day for everything for something these days but yesterday was a […]

FutureMHN Conference

So.. just back from my first conference as an attendee. Exhausted and tired but so worth it. I made a little adjustment to my name badge though. Throughout the day there were many different speakers including professionals, leaders in the NHS, service users, carers and students. The overall feel of the day was very positive. […]

So this is me..

So this is my new blog. Lovely isn’t it. Let me tell you that it isn’t easy to find out how to get rid of the coffee bean default picture on WordPress. Took me a good 20 minutes. If you saw me you’d see a similar image to the one attached to this post. Or […]