Be kind to yourself.

‘Be kind to yourself’… it’s one of my key phrases I’ve always used in my nursing career… This is a story about how things have been for me over the last few months… I wasn’t kind to myself at all….Strap yourself in… it’s a little personal but I think it’s very important to share these […]


One of my biggest beliefs is that we must work in partnership with our patients. It’s not only mandated by The Code (Number 2…right at the top) but it’s one of my core beliefs. You can’t do mental health care TO someone. You have to do it WITH them.  Sometimes this is further than just […]


Stigma is a problem that needs to be tackled within the world. But especially within nursing. As a mental health nursing student, I try to fight against the stigma that people living with mental illnesses face every day. People saying that mental illness isn’t real. They just need to get a grip some say. Man […]

What is Mental Health Nursing?

It should be an easy question to answer but I really had to sit down and think about it. First, consider our patients. This can be anyone. The statistic banded around is that 1 in 4 people will have a mental health problem in a year. 1 in 6 report having to deal with common […]


It’s something I’ve heard about. Something happens and you’re just stunned and can’t talk.  Forgive me. I’ve been fairly quiet on social media (for me!). I’m having that issue at the minute. I’ve been having a bad time of it. Some personal issues – very long story but over it now. I was feeling much […]

Accident and Emergency

A&E. Accident and Emergency. Emergency.  Just remember that.. it’s important for what follows. Though it seems that some wish to dissuade people from A&E if they’re in MH crisis. Not in so many words but the message is there. At Congress #RCN17 there was a motion to discuss lobbying for A&E to NOT be a […]


I’ve been musing something about services ( yes my brain did hurt a little). These are some thoughts out loud (written) and no semblance of a plan of how to manage this. We’re told that the NHS is a 24 hour, 7 day a week service. But that’s not true for a lot of it. […]


I’m asked questions a lot when doing my training. One of the most frequent is asking where I want to work when I qualify. Or what I want to specialise in. Or which particular area I have an interest with. The answer, which often leaves people with a concerned look, is I don’t know. This […]

Student Quality Ambassadors

SO as of the 30th November, I am a fully fledged and welcomed Student Quality Ambassador. This role relates to my last blog about Leadership. I’d previously met with the Greater Manchester PEFs as a SQA before the welcome event which was scary exciting! I made the long(ish) trip to UCLAN in Preston  not knowing exactly […]